Riverstone town centre development. Schedule 5 Schofields Precinct (PDF, 29.

Riverstone town centre development This Schedule and related amendments to the BCC Growth Centre Precincts DCP give effect to the Rhodes Place Strategy. These Riverstone Town Centre Master Plan<br>Blacktown City Council Feb 2018<br>Before making any decisions based on this plan you must contact Blacktown City Council for currency as changes may occur. Club. Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan. It is the result The Riverstone CBD is on the cusp of major change thanks to a billion-dollar pipeline of council projects, including the Riverstone Town Centre Redevelopment, an initiative from Blacktown City Council. The precinct area covers approximately 175 ha. William Hezmalhalch Architects. 9km*) 30-38 Perera Street, Riverstone will be offered for sale individually via Onsite Auction on 29th June 2024 at This Schedule forms part of the Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (BCC Growth Centre Precincts DCP). The Blacktown Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 (LSPS) (PDF, 12MB) sets out a 20-year vision for the future of Blacktown City as it grows and changes. . 7 Certificate from us. [3] Riverstone is located 48 kilometres (30 mi) north-west of the Sydney central business district, in the Blacktown local government area and Seven Hills Town Centre; North West Growth Area; Riverstone Town Centre Masterplan; Marsden Park Strategic Town Centre; Scheduled Lands - Interim Policy; NSW Government Employment Zones reform - April 2023; Stage 1 - find out Sub-menu. HEAD OFFICE. The electorate was first contested in 1981, where it was won by Tony Johnson. It was approved by the NSW State Planning body at the time. development interest groups. 0432 428 899. The short-term work aims to improve traffic flow around the Riverstone Town Centre. 1. The Riverstone local centre is outside the land covered by this DCP but will be the main focus of retail and commercial activity local centre and daily life for the Precinct, providing for community interaction and delivering services and facilities to meet the Finalisation Report SEPP Sydney Region Growth Centres Amendment Riverstone and Alex Avenue Precincts 2010 Post exhibition Planning Report (PDF, 12. 2 Potential Development Yields 22 6 Transport Assessment 23 6. Bonadelle. Installing traffic lights at the intersection of Westminster Street and Railway Terrace (this project) is “By stopping unsafe development in dangerous areas on floodplains, Blacktown and Riverstone, are finally supported and better protected. 2 MB) We have developed a new approach to precinct planning to provide certainty and a way forward for revitalising areas of Sydney. Riverstone Town Centre, Garfield Road and reduce impacts on surrounding residential areas • A new underpass crossing the Richmond railway line at Bandon Road Development provided for by this plan is estimated to cater for up to 12,000 jobs. access to and from the Riverstone town centre, and provide future residential access to sporting fields and other public facilities on the western side of the railway line. Park. The proposed changes include: * rezoning land within the Riverstone Riverstone West Precinct Development Control Plan 2009 1. 6 MB) Schedule. We need the NSW Government to recognise & address the essential local infrastructure funding void by working with us to find funding solutions that are currently A locally based team of real estate development visionaries, Riverstone Development, LLC is committed to building a sustainable legacy of lasting value for the enjoyment of future generations. Important Announcement PubHTML5 Scheduled Server Maintenance on (GMT) Sunday, June 26th, 2:00 am - 8:00 am. 5. 1 Name of this Plan This Plan is known as the Riverstone West Precinct Development Control Plan 2009 (al referred to asso Riverstone West DCP 2009). PubHTML5 site will be inoperative during the times indicated! EN . However, no warranty or guarantee is provided by the - Turn key 88 place child care centre - DA lodged for an 8 lot subdivision - In close proximity to nearby schools, town centre and future residential development - Short distance to Riverstone Train Station, Tallawong Train Station, Schofields Train Station, Rouse Hill Town Centre & Sydney Business Park (Marsden Park) Riverstone. docx 1 Mr John Molteno lacktown ity ouncil 62 Flushcombe Road lacktown NSW 2148 5th November 2018 Dear John, Riverstone Town Centre Flood Hazard Mapping INTRODUCTION atchment Simulation Solutions (SS) was engaged by lacktown ity ouncil to map flood hazard We cannot continue to develop and build new residential towns in high-risk areas, and risk putting more people in harm’s way. The State Significant Rezoning Policy is aimed at identifying land to address the housing and employment needs of The Riverstone East stage 3 precinct is bound by Windsor Road, Rouse Hill Regional Park, the Tallawong Station Precinct, Riverstone East stages 1 and 2 and First Ponds Creek. 1 Options Development 20 5. This Schedule applies to all development on the land shown in Figure 1-1 Land Application Map. The proposed changes Riverstone; guide development of the village centre, and inform the road layout and design of roads; the draft DCP will be an appendix to the Blacktown Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (DCP); X a draft Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) as shown in Figure 1 for the first and second stages of development within the Riverstone East There’s plenty going on right now at Riverstone. It is bounded by Bandon Road to the north, Schofields Road to the south, Riverstone Town entre Hazard Mapping (Rev 1). A considerable volume of heavy vehicle traffic would be diverted away from the Riverstone town centre by the Loftus Street bypass. The Gear Barn. The vision for the town centre is to be a living precinct open to pedestrians—here, future residents will find shop-top style living solutions, mixed-use retail, commercial and community facilities. Harbourside Shopping Centre Development Seven Hills Town Centre. In the future, Riverstone Town Centre should contain: A safe, attractive and sustainable public domain. In order to meet demand and prevent a deepening housing crisis, NSW must construct 75 per cent more homes than what’s currently projected over the next five years, from 36,000 per year to 62,800 per year - a deficit described by Planning Minister Paul Scully as, “greater than we The site benefits from the following key attributes: - Turn key 88 place child care centre - DA lodged for an 8 lot subdivision - In close proximity to nearby schools, town centre and future residential development - Short distance to Riverstone Train Station, Tallawong Train Station, Schofields Train Station, Rouse Hill Town Centre & Sydney Business Park (Marsden The Plan provides an sense of place and the feel that Riverstone is a ‘semi-rural’ TO CROWN ST MAHONY RD RIVERSTONE EASTintegrated land use planning and transport response to town centre will be maintained as far as possible by keeping RICHMONDthe anticipated growth the Riverstone Town Centre will key view corridors to the mountains, Riverstone Town Centre Stage 1 Planning Proposal release for Community Feedback The Proposal is Part 1 of a staged approach. Riverstone Library 1st Floor, Marketown, Corner of Market Street and Riverstone Parade, Riverstone NSW 2765 Blacktown City Council 62 Flushcombe Road, Blacktown NSW 2148 Vinegar Hill Memorial Library 9 Main Street, Rouse Hill Town Centre NSW 2155 Community information sessions SATURDAY 15 NOVEMBER 11am – 2pm Riverstone Neighbourhood Riverstone West is located in the Blacktown Local Government Area, in the North West Growth Area. 9 MB) “The Riverstone Town Centre plays a key role in the ongoing future growth and development of the city,” the council said. The NSW Government is planning for the future with an upgrade proposal for Garfield Road East in Riverstone and Grantham Farm. Townhouse and houses prices are skyrocketing at the moment. “There’s maybe one house in Riverstone with a 15 per cent chance, but Riverstone as a town centre, it’s a one-in-100-year flood event. This process may include consultation with key stakeholders. within the Riverstone Town Centre. This document has been sourced from their site for public display purposes only. The NSW Government introduced a State Significant Rezoning Policy (PDF, 887 KB) in September 2024 to identify and deliver strategically important rezonings under 2 state-based pathways: state-led rezonings and state-assessed rezoning proposals. The planning proposal aims to support the delivery of approximately 2,640 homes and 580 jobs. Planned Council investment into community facilities and public domain works will undoubtedly lift the profile of Council’s Masterplan establishes a vision for the future development of the Riverstone Town Centre, based on a vision for a vibrant main street with the heart of the centre to be located RIVERSTONE is set to get a new lease of life with a plan to revamp the town centre. The place Exempt development. West Parade would be extended to Bridge Street Last night, a community forum was held with residents and landholders within and surrounding the planning footprint of the Riverstone Town Centre. It will include recommendations on land uses, density and scale of development within the Town Centre, which will be implemented through amendments to the Blacktown Local Environmental Plan and Blacktown Development Control Plan. Read the flipbook version of EC_Riverstone-Town-Centre-Master-Plan_FINAL. 6 MB) Schedule 4 Area 20 Precinct, September 2016 (PDF, 5. 7 Information Sessions The Department hosted 2 information sessions at the Riverstone Neighbourhood Centre. The community is walkable to Riverstone Railway Station and Riverstone Town Centre, and is 5min drive to Tallawong Railway Station as well as Rouse Hill Town Centre. Riverstone Town Centre | 2 Acknowledgement of The surrounding residential development nearer Piccadilly Street and King Street is largely characterised by low density single dwelling housing. Blacktown City Council has called for Our vision for the Riverstone Town Centre is to create a vibrant, sustainable centre with opportunities for the community. It has been prepared pursuant to the provisions of Section 72 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979. Blacktown City Council (Council) has ambitious plans for Riverstone town centre. It supports the implementation of Council’s masterplan for the Riverstone Town Centre (Council’s masterplan), adopted 22 November 2017. 2. The DCP contains detailed planning controls for development in the precinct. 0 Introduction . This road will provide an alternative local connection for light vehicles to cross the Richmond railway line and avoid congestion around Riverstone Town Centre. The meeting was focused on making things clear and moving forward. It is envisaged that the Masterplan will create a thriving, economically viable, well designed and safe • Accelerated development: Streamlined planning processes will expedite the development of Riverstone Town Centre, Marsden Park North, and Schofields West. then request to be connected to our Information Centre on (02) 9228 6333. Marsden Park Strategic Centre Land Use and Market Appraisal (2024) (PDF, 5MB) This report responds to the outcome of the NSW Government’s 2022 Flood Inquiry, which deemed residential development inappropriate in areas of the Marsden Park North and West Schofields precincts within the North West Growth Area, due to flood and evacuation risk. We listened to your worries about wrong information and feeling upset about the previous plans. blacktown. Riverstone Town Centre Master Plan<br>Blacktown City Council Feb 2018<br>Before making any decisions based on this plan you must contact Blacktown City Council for currency as changes may occur. docx 1 Mr John Molteno lacktown ity ouncil 62 Flushcombe Road lacktown NSW 2148 5th November 2018 Dear John, Riverstone Town Centre Flood Hazard Mapping INTRODUCTION atchment Simulation Solutions (SS) was engaged by lacktown ity ouncil to map flood hazard The Town Centre Masterplan is a collaborative process with residents, community groups, the Member for Riverstone, the Department of Planning and Environment, the NSW Reconstruction Authority and Blacktown City Council. Strategically located in a convenient hub for unparalleled ease and accessibility; 8-minute drive to Carmel Village shopping center; 11-minute drive to bustling Rouse Hill Town Centre; Schofields Park, offering serene surroundings, just a 3-minute drive away; Seven Hills Town Centre; North West Growth Area; Riverstone Town Centre Masterplan; Marsden Park Strategic Town Centre; Scheduled Lands - Interim Policy; NSW Government Employment Zones reform - April 2023; Stage 1 - find out Sub-menu. 3 The Riverstone East plan will be delivered in three stages with stages 1 and 2 finalised in August 2016. So let's Improve on that! The NSW planning department is crafting a brand new plan, keeping flood risks and present-day needs at the forefront. “The community and other stakeholders have a vital role to play in shaping the future of Riverstone East and Schofields and I encourage everyone have their say on the future of these sites. ” Member for Riverstone Warren Kirby said: “The updated draft plans for Riverstone East Stage 3 and Schofields are a great example of development done Riverstone Town Centre is to create a vibrant, sustainable centre with opportunities for the community. The Riverstone Town Centre sits immediately west of the Riverstone Precinct. A Masterplan will be developed to guide the future growth and development of the Riverstone Town Centre. More www. Lodged on 05 December 2024. It provides new retail, commercial and entertainment activities along Market Street, with mixed use and higher density living, new and expanded community facilities and new civic and public spaces. The NSW Government has planned a series of online public forums. Sold development sites & land at 30-38 Perera Street, Riverstone, NSW 2765. • Economic growth: Developing commercial spaces will stimulate economic activity and create new jobs. 2 Summary. The expected increase in population and development of local employment hubs including Box Hill, Riverstone West and Sydney’s North West is becoming an increasingly popular place to live. Riverstone Town Centre Masterplan; Marsden Park Strategic Town Centre; Scheduled Lands - Interim Policy; NSW Government Employment Zones reform - April 2023; If you have any questions about how this might affect your 5 Masterplan Development 20 5. Growth Centre, rezoned for development in May 2010. 2 MB) Appendices – Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (PDF, 1. Property developer Alley Roads has unveiled Riverstone Mall in Meyerton – its first retail development currently under construction – as part of its pipeline of 175 000 m2 of retail space Community Survey Newsletter Signup Have Your Say: Riverstone Town Centre Nominations - Community Recognition Statement We've had more than our fair share Community Barbecue Helping Renters in a Housing Crisis 2025 Riverstone Local Woman of the Year - Nomination Form Private Health Insurers: Pay Your Bills! Northview Estate (Riverstone) Stage 2 Development is under process. The NSW Government has made changes to some standard land use zones in Local Environmental Plans across the state. All Highlight: Size: 1. gov. Pictured above: Rouse Hill Town Centre, upcoming $300 million north expansion. The new zoning and other land use controls are explained in State Environmental Planning Policy Planning Blacktown's future. The North West Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan identifies a possible 500 homes for this precinct. A copy of our Interim Policy on existing and further development within the Scheduled Lands. 0 INTRODUCTION 1. Prior to settlement and colonisation of Riverstone Town Centre Master Plan<br>Blacktown City Council Feb 2018<br>Before making any decisions based on this plan you must contact Blacktown City Council for currency as changes may occur. The plan for North Kellyville was finalised in December 2008 and new planning controls were introduced to enable urban development. Riverstone Town Centre - stop implementation of the Town Centre Masterplan; West Schofields precinct - rezoning and release of the land for residential development will proceed for the area south of South Street, but subject to strict conditions which have yet to be announced. 2 MB) – Superseded Technical studies Aboriginal Heritage. Lennar Homes. 1 Transport Planning Objectives 23 The Riverstone town centre is situated within the Riverstone Precinct – one of the first release precincts of the North West Growth Area (NWGA). 1 Background . Seven Hills Town Centre; North West Growth Area; Riverstone Town Centre Masterplan; Marsden Park Strategic Town Centre; Scheduled Lands Alterations & additions to residential development. Shanes Park is located at the far western end of the North West Growth Area and is approximately 315 hectares in area. GET IN TOUCH. 2 EXHIBITED MATERIALS • Draft State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 Riverstone Town Centre Stage 1 Planning Proposal release for Community Feedback The Proposal is Part 1 of a staged approach. Schedule 5 Schofields Precinct (PDF, 29. • Economic growth: THE process to revitalise Riverstone Town Centre is officially underway – with Council seeking to enlist the best people to develop and draft the blueprint. Working with Blacktown City Council to investigate and develop local strategies to improve traffic flow within Riverstone town centre and access to Westminster Street bridge. Find more about the sold price, exceptional connectivity to Sydney CBD and the broader North West Sydney - Well serviced by amenity with the 1. Just a few metres to Riverstone Railway Station and the Riverstone town centre main street of Garfield Road East, sits this 430m2 block of land with a partially renovated apartment upstairs and a commercial premises downstairs paying $1000 per week in rent, plus outgoings. Marsden Park Strategic Town Centre. 4 MB); Indicative Layout Plan Map Alex Avenue Precinct (PDF, 3. State Significant Rezoning Evaluation Panel. This proposal is part of the short-term work for the North West Growth Centre Road Network Strategy. “By stopping unsafe development in dangerous areas on flood plains, and with our Government’s work to reduce the risk of disasters before they happen, we’re making sure communities across Western Sydney, in areas including Penrith, Blacktown and Riverstone, are finally supported and better protected,” said Minister for Western Sydney, Deputy Premier Appendices – Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (PDF, 1. The proposed road upgrades allow for the development of residential land in the surrounding areas and assist in meeting future traffic demands. The decision to cancel rezonings at Marsden Park North and Riverstone Town Centre, as well as scaling back development in West Schofields, means 2300 homes will go ahead compared to the 12,300 The Town Centre Masterplan is a collaborative process with residents, community groups, the Member for Riverstone, the Department of Planning and Environment, the NSW Reconstruction Authority and Blacktown City Council. Data from the Urban Development Institute of Australia, an industry association, projected the Blacktown LGA to grow from 411,000 in 2021 to more than 600,000 in 2041. Area Recreation. “The future of Riverstone needs to be underpinned by community facilities and services, and recreation opportunities,” Mayor of Blacktown City, Councillor Stephen Bali said. An exceptional and rare development opportunity awaits with this prime parcel of land. Aboriginal Heritage Part 1 (PDF, 2. For more information about zoning and current planning controls, please contact Blacktown City Council on 02 9839 6000 . Denmark Link Road will provide a connection from Garfield Road West at Riverstone via Denmark Road intersection to West Parade. 4 MB) will help create vibrant, attractive and well connected communities, where people can live and work with good access to public transport, community facilities, open spaces, shops and cafes. It identified the opportunity to develop 3,100 – 3,600 new dwellings as well as local amenities in Riverstone East Stage 3 including: two proposed schools on Guntawong Road and Riverstone Road The Town Centre Masterplan is a collaborative process with residents, community groups, the Member for Riverstone, the Department of Planning and Environment, the NSW Reconstruction Authority and Blacktown City Council. River. Building on your property; Approval you need; Planning rules; Secondary Dwellings (Granny Flats) Development The department will be hosting an online information session to provide landowners and other stakeholders with more information on the decision not to proceed with the rezoning of Riverstone Town Centre. Notification Period ends on 19 December 2024. ” The new town centre will have alfresco dining, cafes and restaurants, supported by low rise mixed use residential development compatible with the scale and form of the surrounding area, Mr Bali said. Seven Hills Town Centre; North West Growth Area; Riverstone Town Centre Masterplan; Marsden Park Strategic Town Centre; Scheduled Lands - Interim Policy; NSW Government Employment Zones reform - April 2023; Stage 1 - find out Sub-menu. The Department will explore the potential for employment, conservation and recreational land uses. Project status: planning of Garfield Road East upgrade underway. The upgraded corridor will support current and future traffic demands, reduce travel times and congestion, economic development along the corridor and improve access to Riverstone Industrial Area, Marsden Park, Marsden Park North, Riverstone West, Riverstone and Vineyard precincts; allow for local and cross regional pedestrian and cyclist access needs; provide an upgrade and realignment of existing flood evacuation route on Wallace Road and Bandon Road Riverstone Town Centre. Located on a quiet street in one of Sydney's fastest-growing suburbs, it's just minutes from Riverstone Town Oran Park Town offers a thriving development with 10,000 homes, innovative living spaces, Riverstone Scheduled Lands - Precinct A Landcom also coordinated regional and local infrastructure for the town centre and the first Seven Hills Town Centre; North West Growth Area; Riverstone Town Centre Masterplan; Marsden Park Strategic Town Centre; Scheduled Lands - Interim Policy; NSW Government Employment Zones reform - April 2023; Stage 1 - find out Sub-menu. 33 Hunter Street, RIVERSTONE 2765. Member for Riverstone Warren Kirby said input from the community began last month development of a Masterplan for the Riverstone town centre. What’s happening now. The Riverstone Precinct was rezoned in May 2010, however, the Riverstone Town Centre (the subject of this investigation) was excluded from this rezoning, subject to local planning controls. 32 ha: Property Type: Riverstone East - North West Growth Centre - Development Control Map 0 200 400 600 m Disclaimer: The information contained on this map is, to the best of the Government's knowledge, correct. ” The Government says a proposed rezoning and draft plans for Marsden Park North precinct Thank you to everyone who attended last night's Community Forum for the new Riverstone Town Centre. congestion in the Riverstone town centre, as well as long-term development of the North West Growth Centre. THE Riverstone Town Centre, Marsden Park North, Streamlined planning processes will expedite the development of Riverstone Town Centre, Marsden Park North, and Schofields West. The sessions were held on: 20 September 2018 from 4:00pm - 7:00pm 22 September 2018 from 10:00am - 1:00pm The sessions were an opportunity for members of the public to meet with the project team and - Well serviced by amenity with the nearby Riverstone Town Centre playing host to IGA, Australia Post, BWS, Cincotta Chemist, KFC, 7-Eleven and more - Within proximity to Rouse Hill Town Centre (6km*) and HomeCo. It as a feel of laid back life but full of attention. Building on your property; Approval you need; Planning rules; Secondary Dwellings (Granny Flats) Development Riverstone is a suburb of Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. est Piccadilly Street Hamilton Street Community Survey Newsletter Signup Have Your Say: Riverstone Town Centre Nominations - Community Recognition Statement We've had more than our fair share Community Barbecue Helping Renters in a Housing Crisis 2025 Riverstone town centre and another further north as identified in the study. As many know, the previous master plan wasn't quite the right fit for our evolving community. In fact, we don’t think there’s ever been a better time to come join us. The Riverstone Town Centre lies at the heart of an area of major growth. The precinct is approximately 285 hectares, located west of the Richmond rail line between Riverstone and Vineyard stations and extending west to Eastern Creek. Building on your property; Approval you need; Planning rules; Secondary Dwellings (Granny Flats) Development The River District, six miles from Riverstone, comprises a stretch of the San Joaquin River and an adjacent lake promising a future lifetime of epic adventures in nature. Development Team. This is part of our work to centre the planning system around people, places, public spaces and the An exceptional and rare development opportunity awaits with this prime parcel of land. Imagine a spirited town center, exciting cityscapes, country neighborhoods, farm and garden environments, and vibrant parks and trails. Riverstone has been my home since last 10 years and there is nothing I can complain about. We are preparing an integrated land use masterplan to guide and manage future growth and development for the Seven Hills Town Centre. We will provide updates and engage the local community if this precinct is identified for planning. Currently the Garfield Road and Richmond railway level crossing utilises boom gates and lights with a pedestrian path next to Garfield Road. Building on your property; Approval you need; Planning rules; Secondary Dwellings (Granny Flats) Development loretto towne centre is an office complex with three vacancies pinecroft center cinemark plaza at cottonwood poplar commons quarry shopping center rayzor ranch marketplace rayzor ranch town center river oaks plaza riverstone shopping center riverstone shopping center phase ii rushmore crossing rushmore crossing plaza san jacinto marketplace A rezoned town centre comprising 20m, 32m and 50m buildings, stretching east from the War Memorial and Riverstone Station towards Piccadilly Street; Up to 3,800 new units in 9 storey apartment blocks; Riverstone's population doubling with up to 10,000 new residents making Riverstone their home; Changed (probably higher) business and land rates It is envisaged that the Masterplan will create a thriving, economically viable, well-designed and safe Town Centre. MARCEL District Town Center located in Sugar Land, Texas brings this Riverstone Town Centre; Riverstone West; Riverstone; Schofields Town Centre; Schofields; Shanes Park; Tallawong Station; Townson Road; Vineyard keyboard_arrow_right. In a major blow to an estimated 1030 landholders, homes at Marsden Park North and parts of West Schofields will not be built, while plans for a new Riverstone Town Centre will also be scrapped. Greater Macarthur is a growth area incorporating the Glenfield to Macarthur urban renewal precincts and the land release precincts to the south. Granville Homes. Located on a quiet street in one of Sydney's fastest-growing suburbs, it's just minutes from Riverstone Town Centre, the railway station, various schools, and several parks and reserves. Trumark Homes The Lodge at Riverstone. This strategy was confirmed in July 2015. Our 20-year planning vision is for a planned city of sustainable growth, supported by essential infrastructure, efficient transport, a prosperous economy and equitable access to a vibrant, Unique and high quality development comprising of house and land packages. Council is leading the planning work, in collaboration with the NSW Government, to prepare a new Masterplan and development controls for the Marsden Park Strategic Centre. Roads and Maritime Services sought feedback from the community about the proposed Road Network Strategy for the North West Growth Centre (NWGC) between November 2014 and February 2015. com. It is anticipated that Marsden Park will provide up to 3,000 new jobs, including 1,300 in the new town centre. This online information session will provide an opportunity for you to hear from the planning team and have any questions you may have answered. We consulted in 2017 on the LUIIP and proposed changes to legislation and exhibited A new major centre is established to service the growing population in the North West Growth Area. 2 Council consideration. Parks, commercial space and a wide variety of about 575 homes are planned, all connected by a Main Street thoroughfare and mixed-use central plaza. Riverstone is a State electoral district in Western Sydney located in the centre of Sydney’s North West growth hub. Applicant Name: Apollo Additions. It provides opportunities for investment and employment, & high density mixed use & residential development. The town centre is located along Garfield Road in close proximity to Riverstone Railway Station. Community Survey Newsletter Signup Have Your Say: Riverstone Town Centre Nominations - Community Recognition Statement We've had more than our fair share Community Barbecue Helping Renters in a Housing Crisis 2025 Riverstone Local Woman of the Year - Nomination Form Private Health Insurers: Pay Your Bills! An ambitious plan for the struggling Riverstone CBD could see buildings up to 15 storeys in height built in a bid from Blacktown Council to transform it into a thriving centre over the next 20 years. Few area master-planned communities—if any—can lay claim to a future backyard quite like this. Riverstone Development LLC. We are on an exciting journey to plan for a new town centre at Marsden Park. allowing additional building height up to 50 m (15 storeys) on Surrounding the Riverstone Town Centre, new residential developments lack local employment opportunities, presenting a chance to position Riverstone as a hub for job creation in the The Riverstone town centre is situated within the Riverstone Precinct – one of the first release precincts of the North West Growth Area (NWGA). Richmond Road is an arterial road which provides a vital link for freight and commuters between Blacktown and Windsor. “Community consultation is key to the project’s success. Download page 51-94 on PubHTML5. The Town Center may be Riverstone’s smallest future district, but it’s expected to brim with an abundance of charm, style and easygoing connectivity. Broussard Associates Landscape Architects. 2 MB) The Marsden Park North Scheduled Lands were subdivided for residential development, including a town centre since 1880’s. ” Join the conversation Add your comment to this story Riverstone Town Centre Master Plan<br>Blacktown City Council Feb 2018<br>Before making any decisions based on this plan you must contact Blacktown City Council for currency as changes may occur. Building on your property; Approval you need; Planning rules; Secondary Dwellings (Granny Flats) Development Introduction. It does not require any consent or approval, if it meets standards set in either State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 (Codes SEPP) or your council’s local environmental plan (LEP). DPHI will now lead the assessment of rezoning proposals that may be eligible. THE Riverstone Town Centre, Marsden Park North, • Accelerated development: Streamlined planning processes will expedite the development of Riverstone Town Centre, Marsden Park North, and Schofields West. It is intended to provide employment opportunities, housing growth and diversity, with supporting infrastructure to create a sustainable, active, safe, and pleasant place. Riverstone is an integral part of the North West Growth Centre (NWGC). Building on your property; Approval you need; Planning rules; Secondary Dwellings (Granny Flats) Development Community Survey Newsletter Signup Have Your Say: Riverstone Town Centre Nominations - Community Recognition Statement We've had more than our fair share Community Barbecue Helping Renters in a Housing Crisis 2025 Riverstone Local Woman of the Year - Nomination Form Private Health Insurers: Pay Your Bills! Seven Hills Town Centre; North West Growth Area; Riverstone Town Centre Masterplan; Marsden Park Strategic Town Centre; Scheduled Lands - Interim Policy; NSW Government Employment Zones reform - April 2023; Stage 1 - find out Sub-menu. Perfect for savvy investors or young families looking to build their dream home, the site is The department has updated the Camden Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (DCP) – Schedule Five (Leppington Precinct) to include Stages 2 and 5. Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 2010 (PDF, 4. Riverstone Town Centre Flood Planning Advice Report David Gainsford (Chair) Juliet Grant Prof Richard Mackay, AM 3 May 2023 . nsw. Proposed key amendments to BLEP 2015 include: • upzoning of land within the Riverstone Town Centre core area to B4 Mixed Use and R4 High Density Residential to enable a mix of commercial, retail and higher density residential uses Marsden Park North is located in Sydney’s North West Growth Area, approximately 12 km from the Blacktown CBD. Following a rigorous assessment process and review of expert advice on flooding, it has been determined the proposed rezoning and draft plans for Marsden Park North precinct and Riverstone Town Centre will not proceed. development in the Riverstone Town Centre. Email [email protected] www. Exempt development is minor development that will have minimal impact on the site and surrounding neighbours or locality. Register. Building on your property; Approval you need; Planning rules; Secondary Dwellings (Granny Flats) Development Riverstone Town entre Hazard Mapping (Rev 1). au Covering about 16 hectares, the Riverstone Scheduled Lands Precinct A (Stages 1-3) project is being coordinated by Landcom on behalf of around 50 landowner groups, through the application of the 2013 NSW Paper Subdivisions Stages 1 and 2 of the Riverstone East Priority Precinct in the North West priority growth area have now been rezoned. goldmategroup. Riverstone (/ r ɪ v ər s t ə n /) is a suburb of Sydney in the state of New South Wales, Australia. and Denmark Road, Riverstone to the Westminster Street Bridge, Schofields. Grove. Website. Homes. NSW Government Employment Zones reform - April 2023. It conformed to the Marsden Park North Scheduled Lands are ideally located, adjacent to the Riverstone town centre and railway station. Close proximity to train station, metro and rouse hill town centre is bonus. Winning the titles of America’s Best Master-Planned Community from the National Association of Homebuilders and the CVLUX 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2024 Community of the Year keeps us hard at work creating the Valley’s best new place to call home. Photomontage of shelved plans for Riverstone Town Centre What this demonstrates is that the NSW Government is taking a risk-based approach to planning decisions on dangerous flood plains of the 12,700 new homes previously proposed – but not approved – under the 3 rezonings. Riverstone (pronounced "Riverston") is part of the Greater Western Sydney region. A vibrant, sustainable and renewed town centre that is embraced by the community. Future residents will also benefit from close proximity to the Rouse Hill Town Centre. Blacktown Proposal: The proposal seeks to rezone the site to permit increased commercial development and medium and high rise residential development with supporting recreation and community land use under the Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 2015. Riverstone Town Centre Date: 1 0/ 2 Existing Land Zoning Map Scale = 1:4,500 @ A3 L eg nd R a ilw y ne Master Plan boundary B2 Local C entr B7 u sine Park E2 nv ir om e tal C s IN1 G e n r aldust i R2 Low D ens ity d al RE1 Publ ic er at on RE2 Private Recreation RU4 ur a lSm Ho dings The Plan provides an sense of place and the feel that Riverstone is a ‘semi-rural’ TO CROWN ST MAHONY RD RIVERSTONE EASTintegrated land use planning and transport response to town centre will be maintained as far as possible by keeping RICHMONDthe anticipated growth the Riverstone Town Centre will key view corridors to the mountains, Riverstone Town Centre Masterplan; Marsden Park Strategic Town Centre; Scheduled Lands - Interim Policy; NSW Government Employment Zones reform - April 2023; In order to establish the correct zoning and applicable rules for development of a particular property, it is recommended that you order a Section 10. The Rhodes Precinct was rezoned on 30 October 2021 following the finalisation of the Rhodes Place Strategy. Quick Looking for Land & Development Properties for sale in Riverstone, NSW 2765 & surrounding areas? Search from 25 listings on Commercial Real Services On Site ZONED R2 Low Density Residential Around 4 mins to Riverstone Station or 8 mins to Rouse Hill Town Centre Elevated Site up to 38m Ahd . English Deutsch Français Upon completion, Riverstone is anticipated to comprise eight distinct districts, with the heart of each district presenting its own sense of place and character, and its own collection of amenities and homes. Marsden Park (6. This document The Westmead Place Strategy has been finalised and will guide the continued evolution of Westmead to 2036 as it becomes a world-class health and innovation district with exceptional place outcomes for workers and residents. 05 MB) Area 20 Precinct, Public Domain and Landscape Strategy, August 2011 (PDF, 17. Response Real Estate Riverstone and Julie Grigg are delighted to bring this opportunity to market. Site description Table 1: Site description The Riverstone town centre and most of the residential properties are located to the east of the railway line. Parsons Brinckerhoff | 2196783A-ITP-RPT-3694_RevE iii NSW Roads and Maritime ServicesNorth West Growth Centre and Riverstone Corridor Traffic Study (until development within the Riverstone town centre can adjust to the new situation). Riverstone Town Centre lies at the heart of a major growth area. News. What’s happened so far. Community Survey Newsletter Signup Have Your Say: Riverstone Town Centre Nominations - Community Recognition Statement We've had more than our fair share Community Barbecue Helping Renters in a Housing Crisis 2025 Riverstone Local Woman of the Year - Nomination Form Private Health Insurers: Pay Your Bills! Riverstone Town Centre Master Plan<br>Blacktown City Council Feb 2018<br>Before making any decisions based on this plan you must contact Blacktown City Council for currency as changes may occur. It is also located entirely within the Blacktown Local Government Area. There’s plenty on the drawing board here in terms of natural open space and recreational amenities. Riverstone Town Centre . This document This urban side of Riverstone, Town Center. Riverstone Town Centre; Marsden Park North; West Schofields; Parramatta Road Urban Transformation Strategy (Inner West Council); Kurnell Peninsula; and; Tuggerah Gateway Site. The team’s professionals hail from the Central Valley, and possess strong ties to the community and a deep sense of pride for the area and its citizens. At the heart of the development is Riverstone Marketown, anchored by a 4000sq m supermarket. Nice development going around the suburb. The Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan (the implementation plan) outlines how we’re planning for more homes, jobs and essential services in the North West Growth Area. [1] Riverstone is located 48 kilometres west of the Sydney central business district, in the local government area of the City of Blacktown. Riverstone is colloquially known as 'Rivo' . A rendering of Riverstone Town Center in Sugar Land The Marcel Group is moving forward with the Marcel District, a 63K SF mixed-use development adjacent to Johnson Development's Riverstone master The Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan (LUIIP) (PDF, 2. 3 MB) and Aboriginal Heritage Part 2 (PDF, 1. The Rhodes Place Strategy is a plan for the development of the Rhodes Precinct over the next 20 years. On 30 September 2024, Marsden Park North was identified for state-led rezoning under the State Significant Rezoning Policy. Located in Riverstone by Johnson Development is a new development from MARCEL. The Masterplan sets out the vision and strategic direction for the future development of Riverstone Town Centre. Property owners in the Riverstone Scheduled Lands Precinct A (Stages 1-3) in Sydney’s Northwest have voted overwhelmingly in support of a proposed development plan that will enable the subdivision of their existing lots and deliver essential infrastructure and services. asisyt ezholsn ionvcto dwldz tuun ypvf xwvqgp erpn dfuneole vbfmd