Phoenixcard format card failed 1377. Installation link: https://www.

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    1. Phoenixcard format card failed 1377 5. 4. Unzip the download file and run the setup. It will take some time to install the firmware. In this window, click “details” and then click on the button that appears “run in any case”. In the "Options" menu, set "FORMAT TYPE" option to QUICK, "FORMAT SIZE ADJUSTMENT" option to "ON". 0. On the Software/Image Download section of the Pine64 wiki, there are many images available, but only the images specifically labelled so are burnable with PhoenixCard. PhoenixCard for A31 Sadly this did not correct the problem. Mostly Load Cardtool failed. Go to the PhoenixCard folder and open the application PhoenixCard. Moreover, this tool will create a hidden space in your SD card that you cannot format directly in your Windows PC. Apr 15, 2023 · Step-2 connect your SD card to PC using the card reader. So I wanted to install GarlicOS on my RG35XX Plus and most of the guides call for PhoenixCard to do it, specifically 4. Can you help me to fix this issue. skybadiver, I too had great success with an external card reader. I've seen a lot of complaints about PhoenixCard. I then attempted the "Creating TF1 bootable stock OS MicroSD cards" method but PhoenixCard is saying "format card failed 1377. unblocktech(其他影音裝置 第1頁) May 25, 2016 · This is because you are trying to burn an image that is not compatible with the PhoenixCard application (i. I'm running Windows 10 if that helps anyone willing to assist. exe; You may see an “unverified source” warning window. img extension). Dec 26, 2018 · 我的安博4 s900 一直停留在開機畫面 reset 也無效大陸那邊客服 有送刷機包給我 我也上網 抓了數版的刷機包在製作sd 卡的時候 一直出現 load cardtool failed我用了兩張sd卡 兩台讀卡機 作業系統 win7 win8 也是無效聯絡 www. 0 (tried 3. 2 for an H3 based board, i made a few customizations, including a resize on the partitions, so the system partition is around 2GB, Livesuit does flash the nand perfectly with no issues, but when i use phoenixcard for production, the SD card gets flashed ok with no errors, but when i try to make it I used a Windows 7 machine and done a full format on the card using SDFormater. exe. exe to install the tool on your machine. I then did not format to normal but chose startup mode and burned the image without issue. PhoenixCard formats card in different file format and you must format the card to normal again using PhoenixCard, otherwise you wont be able to use it in your phone. Dec 31, 2016 · This video shows how to fix the SD card format error in windows. Mar 19, 2021 · LOAD CARDTOOL FAILED PADA PHOENIX CARD ADALAH INDIKASI ADANYA SISTEM WINDOWS YANG BELUM TERINSTALSIMAK VIDEONYA SUPAYA 100% BERHASILUntuk link download bi error writing IMG file to SD card. Step-3 Click on the Img File button to add the firmware (a file with . Click DiskCheck and choose the drive with your SD-Card; Click Img File and choose the file you want; Write Mode must be set to Startup; Press Burn; Wait until the burning process is finished (you will see the progress in the progress bar and the notification Jul 9, 2016 · This is because you are trying to burn an image that is not compatible with the PhoenixCard application (i. It's getting below error. rar file into an empty directory. PhoenixCard is compatible with all versions of Windows operating systems, starting from Windows XP till the latest Windows 10 (both 32 bit or 64 bit). Apr 15, 2023 · In that case, the PhoenixCard tool comes into the picture as this is a very small yet powerful tool that lets you create a bootable image of any Android firmware file (. I got an error 1377, and figured out I needed to install an older Microsoft C++ redistributable pack and now it runs fine. Its boots OK but was originally Chinese language. Navigate into the directory where you installed PhoenixCard and start PhoenixCard. img) on a microSD or SD card. Again, I followed these instructions to a tee. 1. 2. Extract the PhonixCard-xx. Download PhoenixCard. 4. Step-4 Then click on the button Burn to write the firmware to the empty SD card. I also found that it is picky about SD Card Adapters, when I tried multiple brands. Thanks for the help though. In Windows you can use Win32DiskImager to write the dd image to the SD card. (Optional: Perform complete card clean with Diskpart, as described below) Format SD Card using SD Card Formatter (if it says that Full Erase wasn't supported for your card and instead did Quick Format, don't worry) Start PhoenixCard (version 3. Format the SD card. The card just needs to be formatted as FAT32 with your PC OS and the folders from a card that was successfully formatted in the SmplTrek need to be copied to it. Screenshots show chinese UI for PhoenixCard, but it showed english for me my uSD card was assigned F, and though I thought it unnecessary to format it first before writing the image, I did so as the instructions stated I selected the extracted android10. The partitions to be installed are stored raw in the card in an special format been reverse engineered. Download the a SD card format tool such as SD Formatter from: SD Formatter. Thats in case you tried several Android installs, obviously there remain some leftovers. this happens to you while writing the android image to the microSD card using Phoenix, correct? Aug 23, 2024 · 总结了大家的经验和数据,发现AMD的电脑比较搞概率出现烧录失败的问题,但也不是一定不能成功,有一个比较新的版本的PhoenixCard修复了部分问题,成功率比较高一些,下载链接:PhoenixCardv4. Oct 26, 2018 · 2. . Even if the original card won’t format in the device it can still be usable with it. If the SmplTrek sees the capacity in the Card settings page the card should be good to use. Nov 9, 2022 · If you do not want to update your device unexpectedly, then you can format SD Card to ‘Normal’ using the PhoenixCard. Now disconnect the power of your h6 pro, insert the sd card and power the box on. Have you tried the dd images instead? I used the dd image for the HDMI output version with root instead of trying to fool with PhoenixCard and it was successful the first time. Is there another tool that ca… Feb 6, 2018 · Using phoenix card v3. Dec 28, 2016 · Errores PhoenixCard Preprocess Failed !228 !1047 actualización tablet Ghia 47418 Solucionado con celular android. 9 also) I'm flashing the android image. Installation link: https://www. 7. e. Apr 4, 2016 · First you have to format your sd-card with sd-formatter (hint (Keex): SD Card Formatter), method full erase and format size adjustment ON. 2 BURNING THE IMAGE TO AN SD-CARD. The mbr of the resulting card refers to an empty fat partition, but there is a real but hidden vfat boot partition at offset 0x1500000 (21MB) or 0x2400000 (36MB). I continue to get errors. a 'dd' image). The other issue with all current OS for the Pi PC2 is that they are all 720 resolution and not 1080. From reading other forums, it appears that this is a common problem. " I also tried this about 3-4 times but can't get it working. Jan 3, 2023 · Using Phoenixcard Resulting Card. img file and it 'burned' (wrote) successfully to a SanDisk 32GB uSD card Oct 1, 2015 · The problem is that i am building Android 4. Jun 29, 2018 · Hi, I have been trying to burn the SD card using Phoenixcard tool. Your USB reader corrupted data while writing to the card and Phoenix Card was able to detect that. Format your SD under Windows os. 10 on Pine64 Downloads page works) Select correct drive letter and image; Select "Startup" method Sep 23, 2018 · Do not worry about that. sdcard. org/downloads/formatter_4/ A SD-Card (best Class 10 with 8GB or more SD-Card) - backup everything first, the Card will be formatted! An external SD-Card Reader; A Windows PC; Step to create the SD-Card. If you would have tried to burn a Linux image, burning would have suceeded but Linux would have crashed later. 7z Try to use a program like SD Formatter then try to burn the image with Phoenixcard.