Godot rotate towards mouse Because you could rotate the Transform around the axis that goes from its origin to the target, and it would still be pointing towards that target. W3ÀˆŠF 4@KÚ"²iQ©Y¹» dÜSÂþ Õ \_ñ ’_$ UOÆ'¢æªÆ ¦I È²Ü | ^ Z D `k Éõ›P²–žtÍhQž æÉÖ»ü·î8[cDt0mYKɘ|EgD×' 3 w 9~Ý·’9Ž ’. This makes sure you are pointed in the right direction before you start moving. Start below launch price for a limited time new! Godot 4 courses. Godot Version. 1 Question Hi! I’m trying to make the swing attack animation for my character look_at() the position of my current mouse position, but I’m having some difficulties playing the entire animation towards that direction. Godot Version godot 4. I am making a top down shooter game. I have some experience programming in other languages and using other game engines for 2D games. 0 Godot Version 4. So, the player continuosly looks only at the touch on joystick. I am trying to get camera control and character body rotation working properly. (Or I just don’t get it) What I tried so far: (In C# by the way) animation = Also can mention Half-Life noclip function, where you move towards where you are pointing you mouse. Timur Bobrus Timur Bobrus. godot-4. Hey, I’m pretty new to Godot. I was using the look_at() function. I wanted to make an aiming system similar to Enter the Gungeon. In your case you could skip the get_angle_to call, and just set it to the angle that you want. 1 Question Hi, in drawing software you can zoom the camera to the mouse. There's a good document on the Godot website discussing how the transform in 3D works and Basically, I need to know how to rotate the character based on the WASD keys, which is what I’m using right now, and this works by when you press a WASD key, the character rotates in the correct direction according to what direction key was pressed, including diagonals, and the character won’t return to its original rotation in that case # Rotates top side towards mouse when left button held. angle()) var speed: float = # in world units per second var velocity: Vector2 = speed * velocity_dir var velocity_global: Vector2 = world_to_global * velocity plus use the direction towards the In my case I find the angle to the mouse, and set my anchor rotation to that, so that my reticule / planet is always reaching toward the mouse. How to rotate towards the mouse . I need help rotating the enemy towards the player (as if it was constantly looking at the player) There is a awesome vid about how to get a sprite to look at the mouse if you can find that that might also help. so im working on a 3d game and im trying to make a gun rotate around the character by following the mouse however the issue im having is the guns rotation point is towards the top left of the view port and not in the center of the character been looking at tutorials and the docs but cant seem to find anything The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. I tried using self. I want a bullet that, Godot Version v4. ) a transform then you can use both angle to for the angle between two vectors and the cross product to get the axis of rotation and then use the The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. get_global_mouse_position()) + PI This programs works while standing in one place, but moving will effect the rotation, even var correction_angle = 90 # make it so the player is facing correctly to the mouse. ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Reply reply Residee1995 I got a location of the mouse click against a StaticBody (Ground) and that’s working perfectly fine. relative. 👤 Asked By Tim Irmler So, I’m trying to make my enemy look at my player. . Moving and rotating works for the first click only but subsequent click become worse and worse. Maintained by the Godot Foundation, the non-profit Learn how to rotate an object towards the direction of the mouse cursor. rotation. You can use character. And the up is where the Transform should have its up towards. 368 3 3 silver Godot considers an angle of 0 degrees to be pointing along the x axis. Here is a script you can attach to your weapon: ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. So I assume that you are trying to aim at where mouse points on a 2D plane, which is ground. Your code is making the bullet the child of the player, so its position isn’t going to be at the player, but offset by whatever position is at the time. angle_to_point(mouse_pos) is taking two vectors (the player’s position and the mouse cursor’s position), and figuring out what the angle is between them. P3D make rotating sphere follow mouse. 3 Question Hello, I want to make a normal rotation of the character, towards the mouse click, but it just Which node should I use to detect mouse or touch drag on screen in Godot I have a UI built and now I want to detect drag to rotate the camera. Similar to option 2, but this time the character rotation is controlled with the mouse (ie the character always points towards the mouse). When I press the “Right” button I A community for discussion and support in development with the Godot game engine. How to make the object rotate towards the mouse, the object is a KinematicBody2D. rotation instead of event. 1 Question I cant get the player character to rotate smoothly with the wasd keys. I've set the rotation pivot to the center of the player for the weapon, but it's not aligning properly with the mouse. Actually, the problem is that in order to move the player there is a need to tap the virtual joystick. 2) documentation in English. If your character shoots towards the mouse pointer you can use the ready function and add look_at(get_global_mouse_position()) I am using a rigid body as my player and I want to always point it towards the mouse pointer, but when I use the look_at() function collisions with static + kinematic bodies get buggy. >= 0. Again, pressing both keys at once will cancel out and result in no rotation. 👤 Asked By atopetrick i’m creating simple tank demo game. Euler(yDeg,xDeg,0); You are making a top down game. I can do it with buttons, like A and D to rotate a camera. normalized()) How can I sort the (µ/ý Xôa 5f^4 lŠ¸ ` ñ[rÅr»w13ÙhÃõ r EË¿à5 Ú X]ýQ ›À ^‡×Ázi ÷ « Ý Í’ÒP %À°~q K^?°‘JÀ ‰ èŠØ€ 1 Ø Grý¦K^S6Ò'YGNº&´&O ódëÝVþ[wœ1"> mË:J¶ ¾¥Ž_÷dŽ¡ ¤Oø;ZJ¾2®O X (ÈœB Ð _9קädmjȳ Q’9Mö¤s¾:FÇY‰ B‹¡ U‰$Û -I“{ôÚymRB‹ À§¨€÷^øŒ¾Í ZS„”ž€ €ž)Ø #ÐéÂWè FyôösÝíâ¶Oó½W>§o³„Ö The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. global_position. The only problem with it is, that the enemy turned instantly, and not gradually. You don’t have to use a signal. There are no errors in my code, but I cant move the camera with the code that was provided in the tutorial. See what your fellow developers are up to, get help or advice for your own projects, and be notified about updates (fixes, changes, new features, etc. look_at(target. I thought this would be easy, but I turned out to be wrong on that. 1. I'm trying to rotate an object to face towards a different object in 3D space over time. It actually works but when I rescale my window to fullscreen for example it doesnt work as before? How can I rotate my sprite to my cursor right? The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. x)) however, this doesn't seem to work properly, and instead only moves slightly (referring to mouse_x and mouse_y) Then (in _physics_process()) rotate the cameras transform. Adding the global mouse position back to the result, will give you a point in global coorinates. official [15073afe3] Question I am trying to create my first 3D game using Godot. Learn it in 10 seconds!Even more tags:godot,godot engine,godot mouse cursor,move to mouse position I’m very new to godot and making a 2D game in which an object should rotate towards the direction of the mouse movement. This worked. Essentially, the player has a “fist” that rotates towards the mouse (i have no problem with this part, it’s the next part I need help with), and when the player clicks, I want the player to move towards the direction that the “fist” was facing (not necessarily towards the position where the mouse was when it was rotation = rotation + PI/2 to _process but I'm afraid that might be causing some of the issues with the bullets I'm having. Sort by: Best. In general, RigidBody2D shouldn’t have its position or velocity set directly, because it’s subject to the physics engine’s calculations. I have the following functions that a. To keep things encapsulated I have created a player scene and a camera scene which are siblings in The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. . Music by xaxAttax#godot #gamedev ⚡ Website↪ https://arcaneenergy. You can use the built in look_at() method to rotate the rigidbody towards the mouse position. 5D solution which is more efficient but constraints you to rotation about a single axis (usually the y axis for most games) is to find the angle between your current direction and the target direction (target velocity) and then you can either manually do the math to rotate that amount or you can use godot's single axis rotations which Here we've added two new variables to track our rotation direction and speed. rotated() method, but in 3D just a disclaimer id like to rotate it towards those degrees, not have it instantly get there, thank you Reply r/godot • I decided to start a tutorial series where I use and explain every single node in Godot. I’ve made some progress with it but am having trouble with a few things: First, moving the player rigidbody with the mouse position the way I’m currently doing it seems to conflict with the collision system. if Input. Help Hey I followed a few videos on getting characters to rotate towards the mouse curser but I am not having any luck. I know you can apply torque to rotate rigid bodies but I am unsure how I can constantly point towards the mouse with it. 7 : rotation_degrees = I am trying to create a moon or propeller like rotation around a central object (which is not rotating itself). func _ready() -> void: Please provide minimal code example of Sprite following the mouse in Godot. If I understand correctly, the code runs every time there is an input, and if the input is mouse motion, it sets the rotation to that degree, but why does the y-axis rotation get locked? When I It creates a lag in rotation while moving in different direction, as the player moves to next position. Set the Sprite’s rotation in the Inspector to 90, and you’ll be fine. It’s motion vector is calculated like this: bullet. y = lerp_angle(rotation. I want the shield to angle towards wherever the mouse is relative to the player. Option 2 - Using the arrow’s velocity with look_at. Second, if I remember correctly, to orient a node in the direction of the mouse is to start with get_local_mouse_position (). projectile. My previous attempt was this, but the player just spins around super fast. This game will be a very simple third person game. GetAxis ("Mouse Y"); toRotation = Quaternion. (video example below) And here is my code: using System. You probably will have to orthonormalise the basis afterwards. Speaking of the bullets, I'm having a hard time making them simply move towards the mouse. 3 stable Question Hello all, I’ve been struggling with getting the sprite arm of my character to follow the mouse properly, I’m pivoting it from the middle of the shoulder but I want the tip of the gun to follow the mouse, here’s what I’ve doe so far: extends Sprite2D # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. I am trying to recreate wii play tank mini Hi everyone! I'm fairly new to Godot and currently working on a top-down shooter game. 3 Question I’m trying to make it so that the player can rotate a shield around them. The main problem I Here, I show you how to rotate a sprite using a mouse in the Godot Game Engine. There are complex and big sample projects, but I didn't found nothing small and clear. y, _target_angle, delta * _rotation_amount) Please notice I changed rotation_degrees to rotation, that is because you get the angle in radians. 👤 Asked By Anwarus I trying to implement movement like in this docs but in 3D space using KinematicBody. Instead of rotating towards the mouse, it splits into two (both are, i think, 50% transparent) and rotates in two different directions instead of just rotating towards the mouse. The particular code of the ‘Player’ attached below. direction to make sure the character doesn't start walking sideways, depending on the possible interactions in your game. But that’s not the point. Then in _process set the camera. I want to be able to dash upwards or downwards at an angle. By: Nathan Godot Version 4. In gdscript, my code is a one-liner in _process: anchor. I want the gun to point at the mouse but keep the pivot point at the shoulder. To get your game made, visit https://www. There’s a lot of good info there. Currently, character rotates smoothly when using keyboard but when turning with mouse the character moves twice the amount it is supposed to. Open comment sort Godot Version V4. # Create a projectile. Lets say Object A is at the origin, and Object B is at (5 xDeg -= Input. The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. 2. I'm still pretty new to Godot so it might have something to do with the way scenes work that I'm not understanding. x towards the 2. 3. Code: extends CharacterBody3D const SPEED = 5 var t Godot Version v4. rotated() method, so that it points in the same direction as the body. However if the mouse is on the backside of a wall, the character moves and rotates towards it instead of following the ground. You can either get that information from the _input(event) or _unhandled_input(event) method (can help to separate out input processing from physics processing, and particularly helpful when you need something else, The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Hi, thanks for watching our video about Godot Engine Tutorial 2D!In this video we’ll walk you through:- How to Rotate Your player Using Marker2D In Godot 4. :bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Abanoub Currently I have the player moving towards the mouse position , Hi! I’m making a game (of course), and I have a question. I have the following how to make player rotate towards mouse cursor in godot 4. How can i shoot a bullet from my character towards So in a sense use look_at() to follow the mouse pointer. relative values to those (also clamping the pitch between -PI/2 and PI/2). After confirming the direction it starts moving. I need to be able to have it look at the mouse. I Almost finished the first video but once I had typed the code to be able to move the camera with my mouse, it never worked. x to view_pitch and the character Y The Godot editor's macOS dock icon gets duplicated every time it is manually moved Some text such as "NO DC" appears in the top-left corner of the Project Manager and editor window A microphone or "refresh" icon appears in the bottom-right corner of I'm using the look_at function using the global mouse position however, it seems to be offset for some reason. You can use deg2rad and rad2deg to do the conversions if you prefer. I found out a way to lerp the rotation to 0 degrees, but it lerps to the nearest rotation. In MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED the mouse should be hidden automatically. 👤 Asked By OTGOD I know this may sound really basic but I’m a Godot newbie, so feel free to skip this question if it’s too boring for you. Because Zooming part is doing for us by Godot as a first transformation we need to combine 1st and 3rd step together and do Thanks to this video you'll be abble to make a Node2D rotate according to the mouse Position . I have a ship with child node Gun that shoots the bullets. Archive. ) I'm trying to have an enemy in my 3D game to run towards the player. See the RigidBody2D Reference for more. comIf you wish t Godot Version. Timestamp: video 1 "Make An FPS in The target vector is where the Transform should have its front towards. tech support - open I'm creating a mini game to help me learn godot. look_at(get_global_mouse_position()); rotation_degrees = rotation_degrees + 90; func _move_player(): I use a lerp to rotate the character but if i set the weight to anything less than 1 the character keeps rotating very Godot Version 4. func _physics_process(delta): if dashing == true: direction = (player. When it rotates to the So if the mouse cursor is in the upper right of the screen, and the player is down in the lower left, then the mouse cursor is about 45 degrees from the player. Godot Version v4. 👤 Asked By djex81 Hello, I’ve been struggling with this for a long time and I hope someone can help. angle_to_point(get_global_mouse_position()) - deg2rad(-90) thoughts? whole scene was build in blender and lit in Godot in about 40 min ( Production speed is a big factor in Im trying to learn gdscript and for my first game I am trying to make a platformer shooter. áoi'ùʸN¡ b M Ð _9שäd êȳŠ& Jç|uŒŽ R rÚ r,Iú ~ 1Z EÐ( $Ùf´xa÷)2ðÞ ŸÑ· F‹’pÒ èy‚ÍP . Which would have been a problem using atan2 too. io/☕ Support The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. This is my current setup and marker 2d script. You can just do get_tree(). Using InputEventMouseMotion, you get a relative property: InputEventMouseMotion — Godot Engine (3. I want to do this with a tween, so that I can make it do other tweens in succession. If you only have a target vector, you would have infinite possible orientations. 👤 Asked By skippydog I’ve gotten look_at() working with the mouse successfully, so that the node rotates towards the mouse cursor, using this (basically from the Godot tutorials): look_at(get_local_mouse_position()) Also I see how you can set rotation directly: rotation = Currently I'm playing around with rotating my character to either look in the direction of the mouse, or to look in the direction they're moving. 3 Question Hello, I want to make a normal rotation of the character, towards the mouse click, but it just spins in place, or something like that. Rotation happens when at least 1 basis vector changes direction (the others follow automatically using an orthonormalization process), but in case of a 180° turn, you are just changing the magnitude of one of the vectors and keep the other 2 as the same. Which Control node can I use to detect such an event? Godot Version v4. In scene player tank is centre-bottom position. A 2D vector using floating point coordinates. 2 Question When I run the code, the rigid body rotates for a very short moment, then gets locked in a rotation. y)) - correction_angle # Angle you can use move_toward to smoothly rotate to the player. func _integrate_forces(state): var rot = get_angle_to(get_local_mouse_position()) # Get angle to mouse var form = As you can see in the video I managed to turn the shoulder to look directly at the mouse. 👤 Asked By Moot Point I can dash to the four directions relative to the camera, but only horizontally and can’t quite get the verticality right. mono. Sometimes similar terms can be overlooked. global_position - global_position) rotation = 176K subscribers in the godot community. Share Add a Comment. system May 3, 2023, 8:28am 1. I know in 2D you can make this using the Vector2. position = position projectile. official [77dcf97d8] I’m trying to make an NPC rotate towards the position it is going to move. The solution is probably super simple but I am a bit stuck honestly. Then you use that value to rotate your object around its y axis with rotate_object_local(Vector3. dae), and a camera. position). "target" is a vector3 containing the target position, the position we want our object to look at. My project is at GitHub - sidbc/3DCharacterClickToMove. The way you do this is you subtract the start point from the end point: # let body be your rigidbody var mouse_pos = Godot Version. Godot tutorials › Intro to Steering Behaviors in Godot › Moving smoothly towards the mouse; Moving smoothly towards the mouse. A community for discussion and support in development with the Godot game engine. Rotating mesh towards cursor To make a sprite "look" where the mouse is: sprite. There i found the following code snippet: func Hello. 👤 Asked By Aaron Franke As far as I know: I need to use the _integrate_forces() method to rotate a RigidBody without jittering I need to use the _input() method and cast to InputEventMouseMotion to get mouse movement. Forward/back movement is done with the keys as before. Child node rotate toward mouse C# . In that example, the “shoot” signal was supposed to be connected to your “Main” scene, which is where the _on_Sprite_shoot() should be. 👤 Asked By potatobanana hi everyone, how to delay rotation? what i meant is i want my arrow slowly rotate to my mouse direction. Just replace your full _physics_process() with the following code: Pay close attention to the fact that I’m using rotation instead of rotation_degrees:. I’ve got it mostly working but as the object is rotating it slowly gets further and further away from the point. You shouldn't need the absolute mouse position anyway, just have something like view_yaw and view_pitch variables, then in _unhandled_input add the event. But it was really glitchy, I must have been doing something wrong. Rotating around the x-axis basically means looking up and down. Here is my code for the mouse raycasting: You’re getting the direction vector towards the mouse, but you need to apply that to the body via adding force. y to some normalised vector (the direction you want it to face). Any help would be appreciated. angle_to_point(position) Godot Engine documentation Vector2. 👤 Asked By shackra In 3D, I’m trying to rotate a node so that it faces where it is being moved, this is what I currently have: after looking up and down on the internet I cannot find anything that can instruct me how to rotate the node as I want or any code snippet I could use A rotation of 0 degrees represents pointing to the right (along the x-axis). and I want the character to turn towards the direction of the punch, obtained from a raycast from the mouse position (I called it Finally in line 17 we lerp the rotation of the player towards the target angle with a "speed" of delta * ROTATION_SPEED. The title, I'm trying to make an object rotate towards mouse, but limited only to 4 directions. , i would be getting an array of position more like points to reach the destination. Using a script. func _process(delta: float) -> void: player_dir = get_parent(). He recommends having the sprite’s rotation set to 90 then using the Godot Version v4. Collections; using System. -90 degrees camera rotation -60 degrees camera rotation With mouse over top right box, projected 3d world point should be Godot Version 4 Question I am following the FPS game in godot tutorial by stayathomedev. get_global_mouse_position returns a Vector2, representing the cursor's location in the global reference frame, so you need to get a vector that points from RigidBody2D's global_position (also a Vector2 in the same global reference frame) to the mouse's. Then apply the normalized impulse, multiplied by your desired impulse strength. For both I am using the "Look at" function to just set the rotation to the given direction. , Like below. The red object is supposed to rotate around the green object following the mouse pointer while keep facing the central object just like our moon is facing the earth. github. This is the code for the dash right now: velocity = dash_direction * ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. 3 Stable Question Hello! I want to flip the character (Not flipping as in changing the scale to -1, I want for the character to rotate, like how Sonic jumps in the 2D games, but just with the sprite), depending on which direction the player is running. BTW, rad2deg(90) converts 90 radians to degrees, which is 5156 degrees. and Kirby is my favourite game series, so I tried making a Kirby pet with Godot. If I Godot Version 4. :information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. I basically want a system similar to many 2D games where the object looks towards the mouse cursor, but instead i want it to follow the mouse movement so that the object can be controlled the same wherever the mouse cursor is. GetAxis ("Mouse X"); yDeg += Input. How do i make a RigidBody always point towards the mouse and not act like a hovercraft, im using look_at(get_global_mouse_position) but the body You can then rotate that vector, and multiply it by the distance you want your player to keep from the mouse. Try rotating the sprite using the method at this link. 2 Question I’m trying to prototype a simple infinite runner-style minigame, using the mouse position to control the player’s position on the x-axis. MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED #Capture the mouse in the window so it doesnt show on the screen func If you want to move towards the mouse click over time then you have several steps: Store the click position until it reaches its target Get a vector from the sprite's position to the click position (the difference of the click position and the sprite's position). He can inhale and spit out your mouse, and walks around your screen Let's put the steering behaviors we wrote to the test by making our AI move smoothly towards the mouse cursor. , each time it moves towards the next point it has to rotate towards that point. Godot Forum on left mouse click, spawn a single instance of bullet towards mouse cursor. However, the guy in the video seems to have multiple sprites, each corresponding to some angle, I'd guess something like this Customizing the mouse cursor¶ You might want to change the appearance of the mouse cursor in your game in order to suit the overall design. There are two ways to customize the mouse cursor: Using project settings. I also tried using calculated angles to add or subtract to the player and camera rotation (based on get_last_mouse_speed < or > 0). set_motion((get_global_mouse_position() - position). Essentially, I’m creating a new vector and using that and a constant speed to set the fish’s velocity, then using acos(dot product) to find the angle at which the sprite needs to rotate the match the new direction. game-designer-online. is_mouse_button_pressed(BUTTON_LEFT): global_rotation = global_position. # Assuming v1 and v2 are Vector2 or Vector3 objects in Godot, and theta is the angle in radians func rotate_vector (v1, v2, theta): ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. godot 4. x, mouse_direction. 👤 Asked By jim Hello! Im quite new to Godot engine, and even with a few tutorials and the manual, I still need help understanding what im doing wrong here In essence: I have a character with its own movement script. The point position is set by clicking with the mouse. (µ/ý X´J j . cube70 March 24, 2024, 6:51pm 1. angle() # slowly changes the rotation to face the angle rotation = move_toward(rotation, angle_to_player, delta) (reason to not use look_at is because I cant make it smooth to the mouse position. Collections. vel = direction. This means that if you have your mouse on a certain pixel, after zooming, the mouse will still be on that pixel. Always use delta as base to keep it framerate independent and then multiply a small value to speed it up. Good evening :-) I know this is a common Q, but I've been at this for hours. global_position - global_position global_rotation = rotation. angle() var r = global_rotation # get rotation alowwed this frame var All Objects->Angle->Rotate toward position. Hello, If you want a smooth rotation movement of a weapon or a turret, I have the solution. (µ/ý XôG ª ºV2°ŠŠF 8@KÚ"²iQ©Y¹»ÌÞµá Ô¦XÍ´j wûe Tg« æ=Î ã ý Ÿ \u W P yýÀN* hPLD@WD 4 ˆ ÀÖø‘ë7£d=AéšÒª‘(l,Žâ‹%J_”¬Â[æöE8Êëg¶K£øô zm ¡Æw¦à¼êu¡ êç ›Cƒ³ôP#£äJŸPg ì4z½™Œ[ V=A ŽòOß³êIîkh ŒÅÑ NÅú½ã†¦îí;Æ]nßBûÔ £8´Ü}¿ú¹9Hà´ÊA ‡jpà8¥¼Á £üÅ~:¥Ü £DŽ™®¤‹rP¹ ° ˆ#ê 0 rotation in Godot is the positive x axis, so to the right. 🙂 I have a Spatial node. Help with rotating character to mouse curser. And the rotation is calculated with something like Vector2( ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Player (metarig) is rotated also if player is moving. Internally it's called weight and defines how much it will lerp towards the target rotation per frame. x * sensitivity). now when use click on any area of game screen tank will be rotate toward that points. Something like this: As you can see, the character changes their sprite and the gun changes its rotation according to where the mouse is pointing at. get_root(). nl/assets/sports-pack Download Godot 4. rotated(to_mouse. 👤 Asked By ThreeSpark I am trying to get an Area2D to rotate towards the mouse. It's pretty easy actually. Generic; using UnityEngine; //This script rotates the player based on the mouse position public class RotatePlayer : MonoBehaviour { //Public variables public Camera playerCam; //Private variables private Ray camRay; private Plane groundPlane; private float rayLength; private Vector3 Godot Version. You can use look_at () for this: Example of usage: Introduction: Every beginner has been there: "How do I move my character?" Depending on the style of game you're In this video we’ll walk you through: How to Rotate Your player Using Marker2D In Godot 4. Input. official [b09f793f5] Question I’m having some rotating a character smoothly. Looking up and down works fine, but not left to right. :bust_in_silhouette: Asked By HolyAlloy I tried it first, but it not work for me: var mouse_dir = (g I'm making an isometric game where the player currently rotates and moves to where the mouse is. UP, event. I’m trying to make a movement system where an object rotates around a point. pos var velocity_dir: Vector2 = input_dir. 2 Question gif : Godot-Question hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB problem with turret rotation in my topdown tank game hi friends context : im trying to make a topdown tank game in which every tank has 4 components , tracks , body , turret and the gun im trying to give the turret a turn_rate which indicates the speed of turret turning to the target 4. Example: # "self" is the player node self. Help. func _process(delta: float) -> void: # gets the angle we want to face angle_to_player = Godot Forum How to rotate an object towards another object. 👤 Asked By DodoIta Hi folks! I want the Camera2D to zoom towards the mouse position and although I set the Anchor Mode to Drag Center, when I zoom is the camera zoomes towards the top left corner of the screen. The rotation is applied directly to the body's rotation property. var angle = rad2deg(-atan2(mouse_direction. 2nd click sometimes work. Used alot of Game Maker Studio and dabbled in C# and C++, but I'm having a hard time knowing what to do. get_node("player"). 0: You can probably use some_gun_obj. 👤 Asked By hotmailking I’m currently shooting a bullet towards the mouse position and I want to rotate it in that direction. 2 Hello everyone, I’m building a top-down fishing game and have my fish moving in random directions created with the RNG and Vector2’s. I've tried a few methods, but nothing seems to be working. We get the rotation in radians and want it as a vector, so we can just rotate a vector pointing straight up using ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. That tells you how much the mouse has moved (in screen coordinates). I’m working on a 3D top down space shooter and would like to have the ship always pointing towards the mouse cursor location while using wasd for forward, backward and strafe side to Hi there, I'm playing with godot and wanted to make a Top down 2d Helicopter move, I got the look at mouse to work, I used it to move Forward and Backward with W and S but can't make it to move sideways in relation to the mouse position. Also, if the mouse is pointing down, the gun shows in front of the player. The character should rotate towards the mouse global position. (15, 50) and you want to rotate it so it points towards vector B (100, 200) while maintaining its existing length, you can create a new vector ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. I'm unable to rotate/Direct it towards the other finger ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. GDOT 4. Hello I need help with rotating rigidbody3D with mouse drag I can't get it to work properly. 1 Question I’m trying to rotate my player (RigidBody2D) towards my mouse without breaking collisions. (Scroll down to the Rotation + movement (mouse) section) First, I recommend not getting the position of the mouse relative to the rotation = get_parent(). (one way to do) Rotating around the y-axis basically means looking left and right. The animation consists of 6 property tracks, position + rotation for the “attack texture” (the white swing effect going away from the player), The 2. var angle = position. Very Basic stuff and usefull for top down gamesCheck Out My Ga "desired_rotation_y" is a float variable that stores the rotation towards your target position. I rotate camera in _input function. Attention: Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. y,get_global_mouse_position(). 0 factor, plus show and hide the Sprites only when the mouse is pressed, like in the reference: ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Moving your player towards that point, will then rotate it around the mouse. Learn it in 10 seconds!Even more tags:godot,godot engine,godot mouse cursor,move to mouse position When the arrow is instantiated, what I want is it will rotate on where the weapon is rotated, how can I do that? Option 1 - Using the mouse position with look_at. To set the velocity, we use the Vector2. i checked look_at() function but its effect is instant i want slowly animation of New to Godot and started working on my first project. basis. mouse_mode = Input. 4. 3 Question I have a 3d game with a cat at 0,0,0 that needs to point towards the mouse. rotation_degrees = rad2deg(atan2(get_global_mouse_position(). normalized() * 5 # Scale Godot Version 4. angle_to_point(get_parent(). angle() projectile. I've been scouring the net and tried dozens and dozens of variations, and the closest I've come was a perfect copy of LookAt if I jump into them they start floating away and still follow my mouse Godot Version 4. Members Online • Agitated-Project9571 . angle() # Might need to add + PI / 2 here. godot; Share. You should get your input not based on mouse axes but taking account where your mouse cursor is. This would be the code: var rotation_speed = PI # or 180 degrees func _physics_process(delta): # get vector from turret to ship var v = get_global_mouse_position() - global_position # get angle of that vector var angle = v. With this preparation we can change the player script by using look_at() to rotate the srengthSprite and lerp() to increase it's scale. Before that we need to add the action "LMB" to the Input map, so your left mouse click is registered. How can I do this in a simple way? I only need to rotate the cat’s y value. stable. angle_to(get_global_mouse_position()) to get the angle you need to rotate the gun to (in radians). global_position) If you have only a direction/velocity vector, I am making a 2D platformer in Godot 3. ) func apply_rotation(_delta): var mouse_direction = position - get_global_mouse_position() # Get the direction var correction_angle = 90 # make it so the player is facing correctly to the mouse var angle = rad2deg(-atan2(mouse_direction. I was able to get basic movement and all I need is for the arm to stay on the main body sprite and for the gun to point towards the cursor I also would like to know how to make it so the gun flips horizontally when the cursor goes over or under the character I know this is a big ask but any I tried to use your example with atan and the local mouse position but it seems that in each frame it does not work well. After trying many different options, I finally made a bullet that moves and works the way I want it, with one small caveat: even after shooting it, it follows the mouse’s position. However it works like this: func _process(delta): rotation = get_global_mouse_position(). x, I ran into an issue right at the start - one line into coding. That means it will go forward based on its rotation. If you would like to have something like an arrow always pointing at your cursor, you can draw your arrow so it points straight to the right, then load this drawing as a texture of a Sprite and then add a script to the Sprite node. Question. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Position is a Vector2, it has an x and a y component, so we want the rotation expressed as a vector You can get the rotation of a node by referencing it's rotation value (hover over a property in the editor to see it's value). Reply reply The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. basis first (!) around the y-axis (using the rot_x) and then around the x-axis (using rot_y). rotation = direction. Improve this question. Like ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. 👤 Asked By Godot_Starter So I want to rotate my weapon to my cursor sprite, which position is set to the global mouse position. Members Online • Doesn't that rotate the whole thing towards the mouse? I'm trying to just get the player to flip towards the mouse. rotation = (get_global_mouse_position() - sprite. # Set the position, rotation and velocity. First, if you want to update something in realtime it is better to use the _process function and if you have to move a physical object, like a KinematicBody, _physics_process. system February 26, 2021, 7:33pm 1. How can I make my character rotate left or right towards my curser like terraria? I am new so try go easy. 👤 Asked By tjdwlgns612 Looking at the Godot documentation, I found a code to move towards mouse click: func I've tried a lot to rotate/Direct a kinematicBody2D(Player) in the direction of finger touch. Meet your fellow game developers as well as engine contributors, stay up to date on Godot news, and share your projects and resources with each other. 0! Assets Used In Video: https://kenney. add_child(b). 0 and I want to have the player throw/shoot items using the mouse to aim (similar to bows and guns in Terraria). Then I have two buttons. I get it though. How do I if you want to rotate something depends on the mouse make under something like the collisionshape"hand" in the video and then use the look at func on the "hand" You are right, above solution does not work with 180° turn. 3 courses. Using project settings is a simpler (but more limited) way to customize the mouse cursor. The problem is: When I try to aim the melee weapon hitbox (CollisionShape2D) towards the mouse, it does not pivot from the player’s position, rather from the hitbox’s original position, it’s supposed to move kind of like how clock hands rotate ℹ Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Like the newly added GlobalScope rotate_toward is the equivalent of lerp_angle, this would be the equivalent of slerp. Tom says at 1:00 that the sprite should be facing right to make the rotation easier to work with. Enter the name of the object you want to rotate, for X position enter MouseX() for Y position enter MouseY() and for Angular speed enter 100. If you have trouble with this, on the top go to the events store and use the rotate object toward mouse event. Question `Hey, starting out with a 3d game and I just wanted to know how I can rotate my character towards the direction I’m moving, currently I’m using lerp, but by holding in the direction the character never stops, wanted to know if there’s a better way to tackle this, I have a video where I repeatedly tap the a and d buttons You didn’t quite do as I described. get_angle_to(get_global_mouse So it feels like this makes it difficult to use this to implement my own mouse to world coords. | "ØÏu·‹Û>Í÷^ùœ¾Í2Z””“Ž¢çI6KN§+_£ cq×ü¾Ô d :information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. rotate(anchor. Follow asked Nov 15, 2020 at 16:09. I tried using a position 3D like an anchor point/position to be the direction to move towards but couldn't really make it work. You can easily modify it to take into account acceleration. I'll leave the rest up to you ;) I’m trying to make it so that the player can rotate a shield around them. The builtin function look_at() from Node3D (or Node2D) is actually doing this (it has a notion of "UP", by default y axis). Global_position means it will always move the same direction no matter what instead use move_local_x(speed * delta). I looked into this Godot docs, but couldn't figure out how it's done. But I wasn't able to do so. However, I run into issues with the motion driven rotation. 👤 Asked By CosmicNerd6505 Hello I have a problem with the way my bullet moves. Rotate smoothly towards desired direction. Any ideas how? The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. I then found this reddit post. godot-4, gdscript, 3d, game. Since the image you’re using is drawn pointing upwards, it’s going to be 90 degrees off from what look_at() is doing. , fun move (_pos): var dir = (_pos - global_position). Godot Version 4. normalized() how to make player rotate towards mouse cursor in godot 4. So I want to make an axe as a weapon, and I want it to rotate based on the player's mouse position. However, the Godot Version 4. It has a “car” scene as a child (an imported . ezpi lvfvh cvhu oufepm ijzxm wqvd olccc paa tign hqszwp