Cummins fault code 5177 Possible Cause: 1) ECM calibration Depending on which tool you use to retrieve fault codes from your Cummins engine, you may either see the generic SPN & FMI codes or the actual Cummins OEM fault code. The VGT actuator is a smart device and receives. Told the truck to stay at home not go to work and booked it in with cummins tomorrow (it's still under warranty, and code says basically it's Customer: i got a 2017 frieghtliner with cummins 6. •Fault codes 1894, 2387, 1897, 6432, 5177, 2198, 1976, 1938, 2635, 4956, 4957 Root Cause: The information in this document has no effect on present warranty coverage or repair practices, nor does it authorize TRP or Campaign actions. I would recommend checking the turbocharger sector shaft for proper travel and for binding. Circuit Description The variable geometry turbocharger (VGT) is electronically activated by the VGT actuator. Got a fault this morning on the x15 with SPN 6713 FMI 9 (FC 5177) Variable Geometry Turbocharger Actuator Software. It says VGT Actua. looking for some step by step troubleshooting procedures Here's the troubleshooting information. . The ECM lost communication or did not support message from the VGT actuator. Cummins ISB6. It says VGT Actuator Software-Abnormal Uptake rate. Service Instructions for Variable Geometry Turbocharger Actuator Water Intrusion PrevePage 1of 20 This fault code indicates that the ECM did not recieve the turbocharger actuator identification message from the VGT actuator. Cummins isb freight liner chassis. What is the most likely cause? •Fault codes 1894, 2387, 1897, 6432, 5177, 2198, 1976, 1938, 2635, 4956, 4957 Root Cause: •Prolonged condensate drips from the overhead air conditioning condenser line causes the corrosion of the variable geometry turbocharger (VGT) actuator connector interface. Cummins ISB6. i have a active code for 5177 vgt actuator software fault. 7 CM2350 (2013-17) Fault Code: 5177 PID: SPN: FMI: 9 Variable Geometry Turbocharger Actuator Software – Abnormal Update Rate. Have code 2636 ( VGT actu. 7b vin, 3alacwdtxhdhw4418. 9L ISL Engine code 5177 came up. Cummins 8. The information in this document has no effect on present warranty coverage or This fault code indicates that the ECM did not recieve the turbocharger actuator identification message from the VGT actuator. You can use Diesel Repair to find information on these fault code both ways. You'll need to replace the VGT actuator. Customer: Cummins 8. bexoaxeuifhrwtjkdljegvuunesrcshkqansbkogdbzmbb
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