- 9dp5dt meaning So I had one embryo transferred mine was 362 day 9 and 3064 day 13 and they flagged me as possibly being pregnant with twins, but instead I was just super pregnant with one healthy boy which for me at least was a huge relief, but none the less you could very well be pregnant with twins. Understand what different values mean for pregnancy progression. I go tuesday for an ultrasound but I was looking for your experiences and opinions in the meantime 馃槉 Thank you! Dec 20, 2017 路 I tested 9dp5dt and had a very light positive. Pregnancy #3 (ongoing, 13 weeks): Transferred a 3CB euploid embryo with a kitchen sink RI protocol. I mean come on – 20 tests for the same price as a box of 3 FRER’s? 9dp5dt means 9 days past a 5 day transfer - in IVF some embryos are transferred on day 3, while it is more typical for embryos to develop in the lab until day 5 or 6. Jan 18, 2023 路 9dp5dt, still pregnant but now with added spotting I took a First response test last night and the 2ed line that tells if your pregnant or not was barely and i mean BARELY there but there was a line . Again started bleeding about 4-5 days after stopping meds. Im 9 weeks along with (hopefully) baby #3 and my beta was 29@9dp5dt. It means that the embryo was 5 days old when it was transferred. Subsequent beta at 13dp5dt was 13. Jul 28, 2021 路 With my 2 boys my betas were 20 & 41 at 9dp5dt. In OP’s case it’s 9 days post 5 day transfer meaning 9 days after the Learn to interpret HCG levels in early pregnancy. Aug 27, 2020 路 I am currently 9dp5dt (Fresh) and I got a negative test. My first beta 9dp5dt was 38. This article gets posted a lot. Today I this very strong feeling (not cramps) but that feeling that one gets just before the periods. 馃槶 I’ve been so depressed today because my first HCG level at 9dp5dt was only 38. Lay down as much as you can and do not lift heavy objects. It’s like a lot of period is stuck and can’t wait to get out. I have also read that there might be a chance of a false positive if you test early because of all the meds. However, it is important to remember that the absence of a dye stealer does not necessarily mean there is a problem with the pregnancy. It’s exactly 4 weeks pregnant Reply reply Ahh I see, sorry I didn’t mean to assume! But I Does a Dye Stealer Mean High HCG? Yes, a dye stealer means high hCG levels are present. AF type signs can mirror pregnancy signs. Additionally, there are a few RARE people that don’t process HCG in their urine well meaning the home tests don’t work well for them. It works by detecting the presence of hCG in a woman’s urine and can provide early confirmation of pregnancy. 8 is definitely on the lower end, but the numbers aren't so bleak that there's no hope. My 9dp5dt was 159. Other tests may be as sensitive, but they aren't shown to be that sensitive clinically. My doctor didn’t seem too worried which I hope is a good sign. And my clinic did give me a head’s up that it could indicate both embryos took, but like pp’s said it could be just one embryo with really great HCG levels. It A low hCG level could mean the embryo has a slower implantation process. Beta was 90. My first US was at 6w0d, and no heartbeat was located then. I do not know if I would’ve gotten a different result if I tested earlier. I'm feeling so down because I have been trying for years for baby #1 with no luck. My lower abdomen feels heavy. Do you think I'm out or is there some little bit of hope should hold onto. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Always use a First Response Early Response, 6 Days Sooner test as this is the only test in the North American market that is clinically shown to have the lowest HCG benchmark (meaning it is the test that can detect the smallest amount of HCG in your urine). My RE says he has seen numerous babies born with betas that start as low as 15 @9dp5dt. Hubby was upset I took the test and does not believe it. Congratulations! 9dp5dt is the equivalent of 14 days past ovulation. Very tired. But what about when I see something like 9dp5dt? What does that imply? Thank you! Dec 3, 2023 路 Beta hCG is a hormone secreted during pregnancy. There's certainly a chance of it turning out fine, and the second beta number will tell you more. I'm pregnant! Beta - 146! Very strong painful cramps around midnight, had me on my knees in crazy pain. Try not to obsess too much with the hCG numbers. Mar 21, 2018 路 hello everyone-my husband and i transferred one of our blastocyst 2 days ago via IVF/ICSI. I was a bit surprised with this number because it seems high. It is produced by the cells that will eventually become the placenta. Dec 18, 2012 路 What DPT did you get your BFP: Got it on 8dp5dt at home with FRER, then confirmed at 9dp5dt with blood work First Beta: 524 at 9dp5dt, 1740 at 11dp5dt Symptoms 1dpt - nothing 2dpt - nothing 3dpt - nothing 4dpt - nothing 5dpt - nothing 6dpt - nothing 7dpt - nothing (see a pattern here?) 8dpt - backache, sore boobs (not too bad, though Feb 16, 2016 路 I am wanting to know others levels around 12 days post transfer . Hello! I know DP stands for dear partner in some cases. A tiny bit of brown watery discharge at night. A little cramps. If it gives you a little bit of hope to get you through the weekend, my beta on 9dp5dt was only 42 which would mean it was only around 10 on day 7 and unlikely to show up on a test. Anyways, relax and take it easy. Wednesday 9/28 - 9DP5DT BETA TEST DAY! Woke up feeling cramps like af is coming. My next US was at 7w1d, and he had a heartbeat of 151bpm. No appetite. Is a Dye Stealer a Good Sign? Yes! A dye stealer is a great sign. 28. Then 11dp5dt was 417 and finally 15dp5dt was 2432. It tripled to 102 at 11dp5dt and again to 300 at 13dp5dt. . What does a low beta hCG mean? Even though the data of outcomes from low beta hCG levels looks scary, remember that there are many normal, healthy pregnancies that start out with a low beta hCG. It looks at 6,000 transfers and corresponding HCG levels on 9dp5dt and 11dp5dt, along with age. 5 Beta was 35 at 7dp5dt (Quest) and 61 at 9dp5dt. Basically, the post means that IVF was successful and she is pregnant! A supportive and positive community to discuss your IVF journey. While it’s possible to have late implantation and have it be viable, the odds are fairly low. But no, it wasn’t viable. 8, 11dp5dt was 39. Has anyone had success at this low level? We had a loss earlier in the year, and my first level then was 100. i am wondering if anyone could share how they felt at this time, if any symptoms?thanks! I’m currently 9dp5dt and my blood tests are 2 days after. This hormone is crucial as it supports the corpus luteum, ensuring the ovary will continue to produce progesterone to support the early pregnancy. 4, and 14dp5dt was 163. Oh my gosh huge congrats. I saw on betabase that this number is slightly more similar to twins. Figuring out what they mean, though, can be tricky. So there is a part of me that's almost expecting this to be our fate. It means 9 day post 5 day transfer. I didn’t test early at all and only had a very faint line when I tested the morning of my I'm cautiously happy after some failure. Best wishes. Horrible headache - slept it off. Thursday 9/28 - 10dp5dt. After ovulation and before your AF or positive test result, you’re likely to experience various feelings in your body. Please be sensitive and kind. High hCG levels mean a positive pregnancy test! May 8, 2024 路 In conclusion, a dye stealer pregnancy test can be an indication of a healthy pregnancy. Oct 10, 2023 路 What does this mean for you? PMS symptoms disappeared before BFP. Yes, I had a transfer where I got a positive test for the first time at 9dp5dt. My beta 9dp5dt was 54. As long as its a 10 or more, he is optimistic as he said his been in this business for decades and has seen a lot. Some typical PMS symptoms are: Sore breasts; Irritability; Cramps Nov 1, 2019 路 Hi all, I caved and tested a day before my OTD, which will be tomorrow. High hCG levels are an indicator of a progressing pregnancy, and hCG levels peak between 8 and 11 weeks. My clinic wanted to see over 50 at 9dp5dt, so it was a little nerve-wracking, but all was and is well - I’m 22 weeks now and everything has been perfect! 105 sounds like a really solid number. Unfortunately, it was a stark white beside a big one liner. Aug 30, 2015 路 It's referring to IVF. Friday 9/30 You can’t tell for sure until the ultrasound, but for my twins my levels were 317 at 9dp5dt and 700 at 11dp5dt. Also if anyone has had a Chemical pregnancy how high did your HCG levels get before dropping? I am 12dp5dt and HCG is 124. 5 at 7dp5dt, 247 at 9dp5dt, 485 at 11dp5dt, 981 at 13dp5dt, 3065 at 16dp5dt. Of course, my periods won’t won’t as I’m on progesterone, but does this mean it My beta at 9dp5dt was 29. 7. It’s really not fair. 9dp5dt was 19. If you had a beta at 14dpo or 9dp5dt, what was your beta? My beta today at 9dp5dt was higher than I expected and I keep thinking all day that this may be a bad thing? I have a daughter conceived through IVF (3rd round) and my beta with her at 10dp5dt was 96. cbkiz vdhvv rfmpzqe dvlarq gxhipfz ieqpp tnaoc uzz auyrd txvg